NOTE: Please see the Grants tab to learn about the $750 per unit incentive fee that all owners will receive if, 1) The City of Cleveland issues a Lead Safe Certificate, and 2) Real estate taxes are current. This fee is capped at 12 units per zip code and 50 units citywide. The fee amount increases to $1,000 per unit for properties that receive a 20-year exemption. This incentive fee is now available for both the initial certification AND the first recertification. Environmental Health Watch administers this program.
Fees - Single family (1-4 units):
Clearance Exams & Risk Assessments: 1-family home - $500, duplex - $750, triple - $1,000, quad - $1,250
$100 discount: Recertifying properties (for properties that we previously inspected for the initial certification)
10% volume discount: 3+ properties, all site visits on the same day
Note: If your property has pre-1950 wood double hung windows, it will likely FAIL a lead inspection. We no longer do these exams.
20-year exemption (Combined LIRA): 1-family home - $850, duplex - $1,250, triple - $1,650, quad - $2,050
Note: A Combined LIRA is a formal Lead Inspection using an XRF analyzer plus a formal Risk Assessment… hence “LIRA”. Most homes built in the 1960’s & 70’s qualify for the 20-yr exemption, as well as some built in the 50’s. There can’t be ANY underlayers of lead-based paint (as determined by an XRF analyzer).
Fees - Small MULTIFAMILY properties (5-20 units):
NOTE: The incentive fee is also available to owners of multifamily buildings ($750 per inspected unit). See the Grants tab for details. Doing the math, the 12-units per zip code cap equates to $9,000, and $12,000 if a property receives the 20-year exemption.
Clearance Exams: We no longer perform clearance exams for multifamily properties because risk assessments are more cost-effective for the owner.
Risk Assessment (5-20 units): $700 + $150 per unit that is tested (50% of the units must be tested (min. of 4 units) + common areas if a strict unit selection protocol is followed.)
Note: Any failed dust wipe will apply to that component in ALL units, complete with re-cleaning that component in all units.
20-year exemption (Combined LIRA) - pre-1960 construction: $1,000 + $250 per unit (ALL units must be tested + common areas)
20-year exemption (Combined LIRA) - 1960-1977 construction: $1,000 + $250 per unit tested (call for the price - MOST but not all units must be tested)
Fees - Large MULTIFAMILY properties (21+ units):
Clearance exams: We no longer perform clearance exams for multifamily properties because risk assessments are more cost-effective for the owner.
Risk assessments - multifamily 21+ units: Please call for the specific price based on the number of units in the property. The percentage of units that must be tested is significantly lower for large multifamily buildings (if all units are similar). However, these reports are much more comprehensive and as such the report preparation fee is $1,000 (and $1,500 for larger buildings). We charge $120 per unit tested PLUS the report preparation fee.
Lead inspection using an XRF analyzer: The number of units which must be tested is significantly less for buildings constructed in 1960-1977 than for buildings constructed pre-1960. Please call for the specific price based on the number of units in the property and the age of the property. We charge $120 per unit tested plus the report preparation fee.
20-year exemption (Combined LIRA): Add the risk assessment and lead inspection prices, then subtract $500
Fees - Advisory services
Lead-safe advisory services (up to 2 hours on-site): $150 + the cost of laboratory analysis, if requested
Payment (by check, PayPal or credit card) is due in full at the end of the appointment
Note: The written report typically takes 4-5 business days to be delivered (by e-mail). Multifamily reports typically take 1-2 weeks. Federal law requires that all reports be retained permanently by the owner. Upon sale/leasing of the property, this report must be disclosed and provided to the buyer/tenant.
Failed clearance exam (after the visual examination only): $50 at the end of the appointment.
Missed appointment fee: $50 (see Cancellation Policy)
Cancellation Policy: All requests to change or cancel an appointment must be received at least 2 business days before the appointment date. If an appointment is missed, the $50 missed appointment fee must be paid prior to rescheduling. The definition of a missed appointment is, a) the client is more than 10 minutes late, and we have already left the site of the appointment, or b) an appointment is cancelled with less than a 2 business-days notice.
Fee Schedule effective date: March 15, 2025